the future of european teaching

Innovative tools, training and inspiration to help you build learning journeys with design thinking and co-creation.

What is FUTE?
FUTE (Future Teaching) is an education method and interactive toolkit that helps teachers and students use design thinking to build engaging learning experiences based on real-life scenarios and problem-solving.
The FUTE materials are specifically adapted to teachers and children within secondary education in the EU with no previous experience of using design methods.
The FUTE materials can be explored and downloaded on this website. The collection contains:

42 FUTE method cards to build your own exciting design challenges.

The Teacher Training course with information cards, exercises and templates. Learn how to use the FUTE method and materials in your schools, education programs and classrooms.

Two process maps that you can print and post in the classroom for an overview of the FUTE method and process.

Ready? Explore the FUTE model and materials – and take the “Get Started with FUTE” introduction!
The FUTE Model

Hover and click to access the toolkit!

The Teacher Training Course
The Teacher Training course teaches you about the FUTE method, introduces design thinking and gives you step-by-step exercises to prepare you to build your own design challenges using the FUTE activity cards.
Learn more about FUTE

Watch the videos from our French and UK partners and learn more about what the FUTE project is all about.

All FUTE project materials are
 licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 CC iconby iconnc iconsa icon

5C and 6C Models © Anne Katrine Gøtzsche Gelting and Silje K.A. Friis.