25. Clustering

This method is a way of discovering what categories emerge from the research collected. You sort and place the collected information and
 research on a shared board, using closeness 
or distance to map out and clarify relationships
 and differences between research data in a
visual and tangible way. This makes it easier
 to understand a subject and create new knowledge or develop ideas in project work.

26. Visualising Data

A diagram, pie chart or other graphic elements 
that depict relationships or the relative size 
or percentage of something is often easier to 
grasp in one glance and communicate than a 
lot of data and statistics explained in a long and
 complicated text. Data visualisation can create
 new insights because the relationship and the
 categories and hierarchies are immediately 
visible. Graphics are also an excellent commu
nication tool.

27. Biography

The biography method looks at the challenge 
and related subject areas and what has happened historically, finding relationships, topics
 and patterns in what has happened to better be 
able to understand what is going on today and
 also what might happen in the future. Learning
 from the past!

28. Day Cycle

The Day Cycle is quite simply a way of look
ing at for example a phenomenon, a person’s 
activities or what is happening at a specific site
 during a day and then mapping those occurrences visually. This approach often uncovers 
challenges or patterns that might be interesting
 and relevant for your work or the challenge you 
are interested in.

29. Personas

This method transforms research and information collected into fictional characters that 
give an impression of how real people might
 relate to your project or use the product you are 

30. Analytical Diagram

One way of analysing a set of elements, data
 and information is by organising and visually
 placing the elements collected in different diagrams: three overlapping circles, one axis or
 a double axis placed in a cross with opposite
 analytical criteria. The criteria emerge from the
 analysis of your research and what you find 
relevant to the challenge.


All FUTE project materials are
 licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 CC iconby iconnc iconsa icon

5C and 6C Models © Anne Katrine Gøtzsche Gelting and Silje K.A. Friis.