31. What If?

Often, when embarking on a development pro
ject or study area, we may have some immedi
ate ideas that might be interesting or revealing.
 This method allows an initial brainstorm where
 everybody can express their immediate “Gut
 Feeling”, “Hunch” or “Intuition.” Let’s not forget
 that even scientists start their work by forming a

32. Inspiration

No man (or woman) is an island – we are all
 influenced, intrigued and inspired by what others have done before, or by things we can find
 in nature or in the man-made world. Inspiration 
can come from observing how an eggshell 
protects the yolk, how other people have solved
 issues, but you can also be inspired emotionally
 or aesthetically by looking at vintage posters 
or autumn leaves. Avoid imitation, do not steal
 other people’s solutions, but transform inspiration into new ideas!

33. In The Future

This method focuses on creating a small num
ber of stories about how we think the future will
 be, and use that to understand, plan, develop or
 work with a challenge or a theme that is being 
researched or taught in class.

34. Multiple Perspectives

This method is concerned with acquiring ideas,
 opinions and insights from a group of different 
people who are experienced or specialists in a 
specific theme or challenge, and using that
 diversity of knowledge and opinions as inspiration for idea generation. The more diverse the
 group members, the better!

35. Creative Constraints

Limitations can actually enhance creativity! When everything is possible and no limits are
 set, it can be difficult to get started on a project
 or be creative. This method stresses the need 
to create a stimulating framework or set of
 ”constraints” that will promote the necessary focus and boost creativity.

36. Brainstorm

This is a classic ideation method that can help
 you develop multiple ideas with other people 
quickly. The important thing here is to avoid
 criticism and keep an open mind towards all
 ideas and suggestions. It is important to have a responsible person as a facilitator to keep the 
energy and motivation high, and to respect the 
time limit. A fun twist to the exercise is to do an
 ”inverse brainstorm”, where ideas for creating 
really bad solutions or to enhance problems are
 ideated. This creates lots of fun and laughter
 and often reveals relevant aspects of an issue. 
It is also a good warming up exercise!


All FUTE project materials are
 licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 CC iconby iconnc iconsa icon

5C and 6C Models © Anne Katrine Gøtzsche Gelting and Silje K.A. Friis.